The village of Anyoji in Tokamachi, Niigata Prefecture, a snow country, is located along the Shinano River, the largest river in Japan. It is a peaceful community where rice cultivation has thrived since ancient times, and where several meters of snow accumulate in winter. Matsuo Shrine, a shrine dedicated to the god of sake, stands on the hill behind the village, and a prestigious local sake brewery was founded in this area.

The Furusawa Residence, which has watched over such a community for more than 150 years since the end of the Edo period, will be reborn as “Yukinoya” in December 2024, where only one group per day can stay. We aim to create an inn where guests can experience with all five senses the life of those living in snow country, who have adapted to life with snow and made use of it.

We have prepared the following features so that guests can experience the wisdom of the snow country.

  1. To allow guests to feel the breath of life of the former inhabitants, we will leave the building as it is as much as possible, while repairing the building and supplementing areas in need of modern civilization.
  2. Breakfast and dinner using local ingredients and recipes will be served so that guests can experience the food culture of the snow country, which developed to survive the long snowy winters.
  3. We offer a variety of activities to experience the life of the snow country while interacting with local people.

We invite you to stay and immerse yourself in the snow country.